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Designer: nicole ?
Basecodes: nicole ?
Banner: Me
Graphics: sugarpink
How Funny
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It seems like every time I want to continue my blog, It would just be like during or after exams.. :o

Now if you have probably seen my blog way before this update then you would know that I had changed Blog Skin again o3o~
What I'm mostly proud about the Blog is the Banner :3

It took me like 3 hours to make it yesterday! It was fun and awesome. Everything there is my real pictures :3 Except for the milk carton. That one I just like Googled it.

This is my old blog looks! I still do have the template :)

Also last night It took me an hour to complete posting about my birthday.
Why? That's cause blogger was trolling with me. Everytime I finished 'Composing' the blog post, I publish the post and all the stuffs I wrote was all deleted! My 2nd attempt was to save draft but then It also all disappeared. I wanted to rage so bad..

After that I went to settings and changed the setting to the old one.
Yup, I prefer the old posting settings :)

Well this is a really short post! I will update Twitter if I had updated my blog!
Thanks for reading :)

次回まで ^▽^

& the babies cried @ 3:05 PM?

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